
Showing posts from July, 2016

The Election From Abroad

FSLN political ad. These are everywhere. I'll sit in my room and read articles and check Facebook to see what's going on in the States and sometimes I'll have the tv on CNN watching news when after coming home from work my host dad, Manuel, will come in and ask me, " ¿Cómo va la jugada?"  How's the game going? Or the "play" rather. The "play", referring to the election in the United States, really looks like one when you are outside the country looking in. Frankly, this couldn't be a better time to  not  be in the country, when the tv's are filled with negative ads that bend truths, and everyone becomes hyper-political all of the sudden. The second part hasn't entirely been avoided cause people pour their souls out of Facebook about how Obama is a commie or how much Romney hates poor people, or the one's who talk about how much they don't care about politics, so much so that they'll tell everyone that they don...